Job summary
Job category | Administrative (Human Resources / Finance / Legal / Public Relations)/Legal Affairs / Intellectual Property / Credit Management / Compliance |
Industry | Other/ |
Employment type | Uncategorized |
Position level | Other |
Number of openings | 1 |
Desired entry time | - |
Required language skill |
English (Conversation) |
Foreign language competence | - |
Working hours | Others |
Welfares / Leave systems |
Work details
- Legal Internal Advisory activities such as; monitor legal drafting & legal review process performed by subordinate, agreement monitoring, handle due diligance, monitoring of updated legal issues & regulation, provide advise for corporate legal issues.
- Assist in overall legal activities include handle and review legal contract, bilingual agreements, MoU, or other legal document as well as various regulation and corporate legal issues.
- Act as Corporate Secretary which responsible for activities such as; RUPS preparation & implementation, making revision of AD/ART, maintain corporate legal documents, maintain business license.
- Coordinate with Relevant Government regarding License
- Responsible for any Litigation activities such as; lawsuit from other parties.
- Implement safety and hygiene standards in accordance with predetermined
- Obey and carry out company’s vision, code of conduct, rules and regulations set by the company
- Handle permit or license registration, renewal and the administrative needed
- Research and analysis of relevant laws and regulations.
- Conducting the process of making of new company and extension of corporate licensing
- Coordinate with Notary to support and ensure RUTA/RULB running well
- Coordinate with related Vendor to review and evaluate their activities.
- Kegiatan Legal Internal Advisory seperti; memantau proses legal drafting & legal review yang dilakukan oleh bawahan, pemantauan perjanjian, menangani uji tuntas, pemantauan isu-isu hukum & peraturan terbaru, memberikan saran untuk masalah hukum perusahaan.
- Membantu kegiatan hukum secara keseluruhan termasuk menangani dan meninjau kontrak hukum, perjanjian dwibahasa, MoU, atau dokumen hukum lainnya serta berbagai peraturan dan masalah hukum perusahaan.
- Bertindak sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan yang bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan-kegiatan seperti; persiapan dan pelaksanaan RUPS, melakukan revisi AD/ART, memelihara dokumen hukum perusahaan, mengurus perijinan usaha.
- Berkoordinasi dengan Pemerintah terkait perizinan.
- Bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan Litigasi seperti; gugatan dari pihak lain.
- Menerapkan standar keamanan dan kebersihan sesuai dengan
yang telah ditetapkan.
- Mematuhi dan menjalankan visi, kode etik, peraturan dan tata tertib perusahaan yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan
・Bachelor’s degree in Law
・Minimum 5 years’ work experiences as legal in Real Estate/Property industry
・Strong in analytical skills, negotiation, good interpersonal and communication skills.
・Have a drafting skill in intermediate level.
・Advance in Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Power Point, and Excel).
・Excellent verbal and written communication in Bahasa and English.
・Good knowledge in property regulation, permit, etc
Gelar sarjana di bidang Hukum
Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun sebagai legal di industri Real Estate/Properti
Memiliki kemampuan analisa, negosiasi, interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik.
Memiliki kemampuan drafting di tingkat menengah.
Menguasai Microsoft Office (Ms. Word, Power Point, dan Excel).
Kemampuan komunikasi lisan dan tulisan yang sangat baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.
Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang peraturan properti, perizinan, dll.
About interview
Legal Assistant Manager (Property) - Asisten Manajer Hukum (Properti)
RGF HR Agent
10 〜 11 million Rp